Manga Auto Import
“As a sales representative at a wholesaler, about ten contractors made up my clientele and my salary. Therefore, I had to work every day to ensure their satisfaction, otherwise it could quickly turn into a disaster. Now, at Manga Auto Import, I still work with the same idea of fully satisfying the customer.”
– Sylvain Genest
Passionate about cars since his childhood, Sylvain Genest, the founder and owner of Manga Auto Import, has only one desire in mind: to share this passion with as many people as possible.
With over 20 years of experience in sales and representation, customer satisfaction is at the core of his priorities:
“As a sales representative at a wholesaler, about ten contractors made up my clientele and my salary. Therefore, I had to work every day to ensure their satisfaction, otherwise it could quickly turn into a disaster. Now, at Manga Auto Import, I still work with the same idea of fully satisfying the customer.”
Since 2017 and his very first imported vehicle, the passion remains present:
“I buy each vehicle as if it were my own personally. I envision myself behind the wheel of it. I get excited with every new arrival.”
Despite the increase in demand, the quality of the vehicles remains a priority:
“It must be a realistic project, and the vehicle must be in good overall condition. I won’t compromise to try to make a sale, for example, by working with a budget that wouldn’t be high enough for a desired type of vehicle. In the end, everyone could end up losing.”
“I buy each vehicle as if it were my own personally. I envision myself behind the wheel of it. I get excited with every new arrival.”
– Sylvain Genest